Helpful Insights
A Word of Caution
Some Caveats to Consider About this Patient to Patient Resource:
This reference resource focuses on being an adjunct to traditional treatment approaches generally embraced by the oncology and medical community. Most of the solutions outlined in this resource are non-prescription in nature thus these suggestions are focused on those conditions being suffered that are of mild to moderate severity and can usually be addressed by the individual patient with their physician's oversight. These suggestions should not be used in lieu of physician management of any but especially those of moderate to severe level of side effects or symptoms.
The information outlined in this resource is anecdotal in nature thus a strong dose of common sense must be applied as symptoms and solutions vary from person to person. As always, when addressing side effects a physician’s oversight is strongly recommended. All suggestions contained in the LungPedia resource have been reviewed by its editors thus, hopefully, we have ruled out most questionable suggestions but again be reminded the recommendations included herein are based upon personal versus professional medical experience. LungPedia’s author, editors and contributors are not engaged in rendering medical or other professional services.
Be Aware of Food and Other Interactions that Might Interfere with your Treatment Regimen
Supplements, naturally occurring ingestibles, nutraceuticals, even some foods may interfere with your cancer treatment which may negate its effectiveness, worsen your side effects and / or possibly cause or worsen toxicities. We strongly advise you to discuss ANY supplemental approaches with your Oncologist BEFORE you start any “complementary” regimens.
For instance: (limited list of examples)
Antioxidants may negate or interfere with your cancer treatment.
Grapefruit juice interferes with many medications.
Calcium, preparations containing calcium, or those used for acid reflux treatment may interfere or negate the effectiveness of your cancer treatment regimen. Time taking these aids well after taking certain targeted oral treatments.
Special diets (ie juicing et al) may negate or interfere with your cancer treatment.
Be Skeptical about Medically Unproven Approaches that Might Interfere with your Cancer Treatment Regimen
Discuss any naturopathic, nutraceutical, homeopathic treatment approaches et al with your oncologist PRIOR to undertaking these alternatives as these approaches can prove harmful, ineffective, be a potential waste of your precious disease fighting time, are often time consuming and expensive. Unfortunately, very few of these approaches, if any, have proven their effectiveness through unbiased, accredited, medically accepted sources or through statistically significant and rigorously designed clinical trials.
There is a lot of misinformation on the internet, and unfortunately some “homeopathic” specialists may promote alternate or complementary treatments. Be cautious about any treatment that is supported by their “clinical trials” especially those not sanctioned by the NCI etc. Ask about the number of patients included in the trial results.
As a very general rule, anything less than several hundred participants that is not “published” in a reputable medical publication/ journal is likely suspect unless it is a very rare disease. Always discuss these treatments with your Oncologist beforehand, the last thing you want to do is cause your cancer treatment to be less effective or possibly worsen your side effects.