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Many Thanks to Our Contributors!

Our Lung Cancer Journey:

Elizabeth L., Author and Creator. In late 2006, Elizabeth was diagnosed with stage IIIB / stage IV, adenocarcinoma, predominantly BAC, which is now known as “adenocarcinoma with lepidic growth.” She has undergone two major lung surgeries; a lower left lobectomy and the following year a wedge resection of her upper right lobe. Elizabeth's first treatment regimen was a clinical trial combining Carboplatin, Gemzar, Avastin, followed by maintenance Avastin. Her second regimen (12/2009) was a clinical trial using a novel timing combination of Tarceva and Alimta, 15 rounds, two years later followed by maintenance Tarceva during which she attained NED (No Evidence of Disease) status for a total of four and a half years. During 2014, a second round of genomic / biomarker testing (Foundation One CDx) identified Elizabeth as having the ROS1 fusion mutation changing her previous non identified genomic designation from “Wild Type” (2009) as the breadth of diagnostic biomarkers and range of assessed genes had vastly improved. After progressing, Elizabeth started a targeted therapy regimen, Xalkori in 2014, again attained a NED status and continues on this treatment regimen to this day. She has participated in numerous clinical trials, guided other patients as a Patient Advocate, and has made numerous presentations about her cancer experience.

Valerie B.. In August 2013, Valerie was diagnosed with stage IV NSCLC adenocarcinoma, subtype acinar. It took 3.5 years from initial symptoms to receive an accurate diagnosis. Valerie underwent multiple treatment regimens: (1) Paclitaxel, Carboplatin, Avastin (2) Carboplatin, Alimta, Avastin (3) EMD Serono anti-PD-L1 immunotherapy clinical trial; stable for 8 months. (4) Lilly clinical trial drug plus Ramucirumab for four treatments before progressing. (5) newly launched targeted EGFR agent and Alimta in a novel timing combination. (6) Gemzar, and then started a regimen on Opdivo, an immunotherapy. Her tumor tissue underwent a second round of genomic/ biomarker testing as the panel had broadened its range of genomic markers/ mutations. After a valiant battle, Valerie passed away in November 2015, may she rest in peace.

Lauren O’C., RN, BSN, Perioperative Nurse. In 2012, Lauren was diagnosed with stage IV, adenocarcinoma and was identified as being EGFR positive. She was initially treated with external beam radiation for bone metastases, which was then followed by maintenance treatment with Tarceva on which she continues to this day.  

Dr. Melissa Lim, Pulmonologist. Dr. Lim is extremely knowledgeable in caring for lung cancer patients as well as patients with other lung maladies. She is the Medical Director and founder of Redwood Pulmonary Medical Associates and is board certified in internal medicine, pulmonary diseases, and sleep medicine. Dr. Lim earned her medical degree at the Ohio State University College of Medicine. She completed her internship and residency in internal medicine at Boston City Hospital and Boston University and went on to receive fellowships to continue her training at Johns Hopkins Hospitals, Baltimore, MD, and at UCSF. Dr. Lim has been recognized with numerous honors throughout her studies and professional practice.

Cathy D., RDH, MS, Dental Hygienist. Cathy received her Master's Degree in Dental Hygiene from the University of Michigan in 1978. She has worked in a general, cosmetic and implant dental practice in Mountain View, California for the past 28 years. She is a member of the adjunct faculty at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills and is the author of numerous continuing education articles for dental hygiene publications. Cathy contributed numerous insights relating to dental and salivary gland care during chemotherapy and radiation.

Neil S. In 2011, Neil was diagnosed at age 63 with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer. Molecular testing showed that he had the EGFR genetic marker and T790 mutation. His treatments included Tarceva, targeted and systemic chemotherapy, multiple cyberknife brain radio-surgeries, whole brain radiation therapy with hippocampus avoidance, and clinical trial participation. From the time he was diagnosed Neil pursued helping others affected by the disease through his involvement with the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation (now GO2). He became an outspoken patient/advocate sharing his personal story with diverse audiences through panel presentations at health/industry conferences, interviews, and serving on Stanford’s Clinical Trial and Patient Advisory Committees, as well as a member of a Patient Advisory Board. Prior to diagnosis Neil biked 100+ miles per week, was an Ironman triathlete and marathon runner, and had cycled across the U.S. in 30 days. Neil died in July 2015, he had a mighty spirit. May he rest in peace.

Evy S., caregiver and wife of Neil S.. Neil’s diagnosis of stage IV lung cancer in 2011 prompted Evy to retire so she and Neil could spend more time together. Evy contributed valuable editing and content structure advice to the LungPedia project during the final stages prior to its publication. Evy, you were a valuable and appreciated contributor to this labor of love. Evy’s professional life prior to retirement included 16 years as a high school English and American Studies teacher and 21 years as a marketing and communications director at an arts education non-profit. Evy uses her writing, editing and communication skills to write grants and publications and to advance GO2’s marketing, education and advocacy initiatives.  

Tali H., friend and techie extraordinaire. Tali guided the structural living with lung cancer website redesign and relaunch in 2024. She envisioned the website’s content and structural backbone, and was an invaluable sounding board for my new section additions, content revisions and editing, in transforming this website. Thank you for your insights, patience and technical savvy.

Mark P. & Cristina N., another set of techies who helped to craft this website by tying everything together functionally, optimizing its searchability and honing the visual palette and look of this resource.

And finally… To the other patients / survivors and professionals who have contributed to this valuable resource with suggestions and ideas for assisting our fellow cancer patients: 

Thank you all for “Paying It Forward.”

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Disclaimer: Information presented in Living With Lung Cancer© & LungPedia© websites and its wiki is not intended as a substitute for the advice given by your healthcare provider. Although this patient resource website and wiki strives to present accurate information, readers should not consider it as professional advice, which can only be given by a health care provider. As all content is anecdotal in nature and based upon personal experiences its author, editors, contributors and its agents shall not be held responsible or in any way liable for the continued currency of the information or for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in this publication, whether arising from negligence or otherwise or for any consequences arising there from. The website and wiki author, editors, contributors and its agents make no representations or warranties, whether express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information contained herein or the results to be obtained from using the information. This website, ASK Your Doctor™ and the Patient Alleviation Guide wiki author, editors, contributors and its agents are not engaged in rendering medical or other professional services. If medical or other expert assistance is required the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The publication of advertisement, whether paid or not, is not an endorsement. The contents of Living With Lung Cancer website and LungPedia has copyright and all rights and privileges herein are retained by its author. The contents of this website and wiki may not be reproduced or distributed without the express written permission of the author. The use of this website’s underlying data to train an artificial intelligence program to express a value, or answer, that the underlying data was designed to supply shall be considered an unauthorized use. Living with Lung Cancer, ASK Your Doctor, Symptom Alleviation Guide, LungPedia are all service marks.

Living With Lung Cancer© 2024 / LungPedia© 2015

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Disclaimer: Information presented in Living With Lung Cancer© & LungPedia© websites and its wiki is not intended as a substitute for the advice given by your healthcare provider. Although this patient resource website and wiki strives to present accurate information, readers should not consider it as professional advice, which can only be given by a health care provider. As all content is anecdotal in nature and based upon personal experiences its author, editors, contributors and its agents shall not be held responsible or in any way liable for the continued currency of the information or for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in this publication, whether arising from negligence or otherwise or for any consequences arising there from. The website and wiki author, editors, contributors and its agents make no representations or warranties, whether express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information contained herein or the results to be obtained from using the information. This website, ASK Your Doctor™ and the Patient Alleviation Guide wiki author, editors, contributors and its agents are not engaged in rendering medical or other professional services. If medical or other expert assistance is required the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The publication of advertisement, whether paid or not, is not an endorsement. The contents of Living With Lung Cancer website and LungPedia has copyright and all rights and privileges herein are retained by its author. The contents of this website and wiki may not be reproduced or distributed without the express written permission of the author. The use of this website’s underlying data to train an artificial intelligence program to express a value, or answer, that the underlying data was designed to supply shall be considered an unauthorized use. Living with Lung Cancer, ASK Your Doctor, Symptom Alleviation Guide, LungPedia are all service marks.

Living With Lung Cancer© 2024 / LungPedia© 2015

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Disclaimer: Information presented in Living With Lung Cancer© & LungPedia© websites and its wiki is not intended as a substitute for the advice given by your healthcare provider. Although this patient resource website and wiki strives to present accurate information, readers should not consider it as professional advice, which can only be given by a health care provider. As all content is anecdotal in nature and based upon personal experiences its author, editors, contributors and its agents shall not be held responsible or in any way liable for the continued currency of the information or for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in this publication, whether arising from negligence or otherwise or for any consequences arising there from. The website and wiki author, editors, contributors and its agents make no representations or warranties, whether express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information contained herein or the results to be obtained from using the information. This website, ASK Your Doctor™ and the Patient Alleviation Guide wiki author, editors, contributors and its agents are not engaged in rendering medical or other professional services. If medical or other expert assistance is required the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The publication of advertisement, whether paid or not, is not an endorsement. The contents of Living With Lung Cancer website and LungPedia has copyright and all rights and privileges herein are retained by its author. The contents of this website and wiki may not be reproduced or distributed without the express written permission of the author. The use of this website’s underlying data to train an artificial intelligence program to express a value, or answer, that the underlying data was designed to supply shall be considered an unauthorized use. Living with Lung Cancer, ASK Your Doctor, Symptom Alleviation Guide, LungPedia are all service marks.

Living With Lung Cancer© 2024 / LungPedia© 2015