Symptom Alleviation Guide

Circulatory System

Varying Blood Pressure Values

Blood pressure ranges seem to vary with different targeted therapies. I noticed that when I was on the Tarceva / Alimta combination my blood pressure value range, especially the upper systolic value, increased by at least 20 points, moving me into a borderline high blood pressure status. Over time my systolic value came down a bit but was never near my pre-treatment “normal” range. Now that I am being treated with a newer mutation-specific targeted therapy, Xalkori, my blood pressure range has gone down quite close to my “pre-chemo” treatment range. Over time my lower diastolic value has been decreasing so that my most recent blood pressure reading was 110/53. Be watchful for lightheadedness.


  • Low diastolic values may be improved with increasing your hydration.

  • High systolic values may be improved by reducing salt intake.

  • Manage possible bouts of lightheadedness by not standing without moving for too long.

  • Keep track of and consult with your physician if your blood pressure values are trending outside of the normal range.

  • If BP is a concern, consider purchasing a home blood pressure monitoring machine, some even sync download the values to your iphone so you can track the values over time. Be sure to take your BP after sitting down for a few minutes, consistently use your left arm, elevate your arm to your heart level, breathe.

Difficulty Placing an IV Needle

I naturally have small veins that roll and collapse. This condition was exacerbated by my being given Gemzar,  a more traditional chemotherapy which seemed to have irritated and further negatively affected my vein size.There are a few tricks that I could do beforehand to prepare prior to receiving an infusion.


  • Drink LOTS of fluids prior to your infusion to pump up your veins and help clear the toxins from your system.

  • Keep warm (wear a sweater, hat, cover extremities, socks etc.) before IV placement.

  • Take an Ativan (benzodiazepine) approximately 15-30 minutes prior to the nurse placing the IV.

  • Have nurse wrap your arms with warm, moist towels to relax. This also helps to dilate, raise the veins to the skin surface prior to IV insertion.

  • If you are going to have prolonged IV infusions look into having a Port installed. In hindsight I wish I had one placed while I was on chemotherapy. It saved a lot of stress according to several friends.

Table of Contents

Circulatory System
Varying Blood Pressure Values
Difficulty Placing an IV Needle

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