Symptom Alleviation Guide

Intestinal Tract

Gastrointestinal Issues

With certain treatments (ie genomic targeted therapies) there can be a variable transition from diarrhea, intestinal gas, intestinal pain alternating with constipation. While receiving a targeted therapy I never identified what the trigger was for the change from one intestinal symptom to another. With another mutation targeted therapy, however, I suspect the varying intestinal issues may have been dose related. While taking a targeted therapy combination regimen I also became more sensitive to spicy foods..


  • Avoid spicy foods; stick to a more bland diet.

  • Avoid triggers such as red chili flakes, especially its seeds, and chili oil.

  • Avoid overly greasy, fried or rich foods when having issues.

  • Bone broths are nutritious and soothing during the more challenging times.

  • Follow a BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) if you’re experiencing a rough patch.

  • A balanced diet, including a solid portion of vegetables and fruits, seems to work, but avoid those types of vegetables or legumes that might cause gas.

  • Initially avoid green vegetables or anything else with high fiber then reincorporate high fiber foods as they can normalize your gut movement.

  • Probiotics help maintain intestinal health.. I found taking a broad spectrum of probiotics helped and took them regularly when I was having issues.

Probiotics: Re-establish a Healthy Gut Environment

Probiotics can help re-establish a healthy gut flora and reduce some constipation related issues.Certain antibiotics can deplete the good flora in your gut which could create an environment for a bacterial infection called Clostridium difficile (c. diff.) which can cause extreme diarrhea. If you’re prescribed an antibiotic, be sure to pick up a broad spectrum probiotic at the same time. Antibiotics can kill off the beneficial gut flora so you need to reestablish it by using probiotics. Continue taking the probiotics for a couple of weeks after you’ve completed the antibiotic. 


  • Initially, take a probiotic supplement every other day or so , too often can cause some diarrhea. Currently, I take a supplement a couple times a month, to help keep my gut flora in balance

  • There are a number of probiotics supplements on the market. Choose a broad spectrum supplement.Suggestions: Align, TruNature Daily Probiotics etc.

  • Greek yogurt and Kefir can also add good flora back into your GI tract


Constipation can become a major issue, especially since intravenous (IV) chemotherapy treatment combined with steroids tend to be a double whammy . It’s critical to restart and/or keep your intestinal tract moving so the drugs and dead cancer cells can be removed from your body. Call your nurse if these remedies don’t work within several days.


  • Stewed prunes, dried prunes or prune juice

  • Psyllium (ie Metamucil etc)

  • Miralax

  • Senna, sennosides, is a laxative which helps stimulate peristaltic movement

  • Colace or other stool softeners may sometimes help.

  • A combination of prune juice and Miralax seems to work well. 

  • Liquid Sorbitol can be effective. Your doctor can prescribe it.Milk of Magnesia (use only if the other above suggestions don't do the trick, as its harsher)

  • Saline Enema , try to avoid having to use this option

  • Hydration is important. Drink as much water as possible.

  • Probiotics may help.

  • Exercise such as walking can help get things moving.


Some treatment combinations can cause a periodic swing from one intestinal ailment to another. Some antibiotics can also cause diarrhea.  Add something that bulks up in your intestinal system, which slows things down moving through the gut. Even if a product, like Metamucil or psyllium, is described as used for constipation, it can also help to regulate a touchy gut by slowing its movement.


  • Fiber, Bulking agents such as Psyllium (ie Metamucil)

  • Imodium OTC

  • Hydration & electrolytes are very important to maintain for this condition.

  • Follow a mild diet, such as “BRAT” (bananas, rice, applesauce,toast) diet and avoid ingesting dairy until your GI tract stabilizes.

  • If you have bad diarrhea soon after taking an antibiotic, contact your GP as you may need to be tested for a bacterial infection.

  • Probiotics can help reestablish a healthy gut flora  Supplement with probiotics throughout  and after an antibiotic treatment. Reference Probiotic Section


May occur during or after a bout of constipation.


  • Use flushable baby wipes or damp cloth for cleaning area.

  • Preparation H or a prescribed topical anti-inflammatory helps reduce swelling and pain.

  • Desitin can bring some relief for skin irritation.

  • Take proactive steps to treat an underlying constipation issue so as to not further exacerbate hemorrhoids as straining will compound the problem.

  • Incorporate several recommendations under the Constipation section to keep your stool soft.

Table of Contents

Intestinal Tract
Gastrointestinal Issues
Probiotics: Re-establish a Healthy Gut Environment

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